Source code for SensitivityScan

#!/usr/bin/env python2.7

from __future__ import print_function

import ROOT

from uuid import uuid4

from Line import Line
from Histo1D import Histo1D
from MethodProxy import *
from Helpers import AsymptoticFormulae

[docs]@PreloadProperties class SensitivityScan(MethodProxy): r"""Class for computing the sensitivity that would result from a cut placed at any given bin. Creates histograms showing the sensitivity scan across all bins for each of the specified signal histograms. """ # Properties not meant to be changed via keyword arguments: _ignore_properties = ["name"]
[docs] def __init__(self, sighistos, bkghisto, **kwargs): r"""Initialize a sensitivity scan plot. Creates sensitivity histograms for each of the signal histograms **sighistos**. The sensitivity per bin is computed using the function specified by the **sensitivitymeasure** property by comparing the signal yield to the number of events in the background histograms **bkghisto** as defined by the user. :param sighistos: a single or list of signal histograms, or list of tuples where the first entry corresponds to the signal histogram and the second to the dictionary of properties of the resulting sensitivity histogram :type sighistos: ``list``, ``Histo1D``, ``TH1D`` :param bkghisto: total background histogram :type bkghisto: ``Histo1D``, ``TH1D`` :param \**kwargs: :class:`.SensitivityScan` properties """ self._loadTemplates() self._name = "SensitivityScan_{}".format(uuid4().hex[:8]) self._direction = None self._bkghisto = bkghisto self._sighistos = [] properties = [] if isinstance(sighistos, (list, tuple)): for i, entry in enumerate(sighistos): if isinstance(entry, (list, tuple)): histo, props = entry self._sighistos.append(histo) properties.append(props) else: self._sighistos.append(entry) properties.append({}) else: self._sighistos = [sighistos] self._sensitivityhistos = [] # histos to be drawn for i, sighisto in enumerate(self._sighistos): # Use the same properties as the signal histo: scan = Histo1D("{}_SensitivityScan".format(sighisto.GetName()), sighisto) scan.Reset() self._sensitivityhistos.append(scan) self.SetSensitivityHistoProperties(i, **properties[i]) self._nbins = self._bkghisto.GetNbinsX() self._flatbkgsys = 0.3 # relative uncertainty self._ymin = None self._ymax = None self._sensitivitymeasure = None for key, value in self.GetTemplate(kwargs.get("template", "common")).items(): kwargs.setdefault(key, value) self.DeclareProperties(**kwargs) self.BuildHistos()
[docs] def SetSensitivityHistoProperties(self, index=0, **kwargs): r"""Declare properties of the sensitivity histogram. The parameters **index** refers to the sensitivity histogram corresponding to the signal histogram with index **index** as initially given to the the constructor. :param index: index of the associated signal histogram (default: 0) :type index: ``int`` :param \**kwargs: :class:`.Histo1D` properties """ self._sensitivityhistos[index].DeclareProperties(**kwargs)
[docs] def SetDirection(self, sign): r"""Set the direction of the scan. For '+' the sensitivity is computed by summing up all entries in current and following bins, for '-' in the current and all previous bins. :param sign: scan direction, can be either '+' or '-' :type sign: ``str`` """ assert sign in ["+", "-"] self._direction = {"+": 1, "-": -1}.get(sign)
[docs] def GetDirection(self): r"""Return the direction of the scan. :returntype: ``str`` """ return {1: "+", -1: "-"}.get(self._direction)
[docs] def SetSensitivityMeasure(self, func): r"""Define a function to be used for computing the sensitivity. The parameter **func** can be a either a function or lambda taking exactly three parameters or a string containing the code to be executed. The three parameters are **s**, **b** and **db** which will be interpreted then as: * **s** : number of signal events * **b** : number of background events * **db** : total relative background uncertainty (including **flatbkgsys**) :Examples: * :code:`func = lambda s, b, db : s / b` * :code:`func = 's / b'` * :code:`func = 'ROOT.RooStats.NumberCountingUtils.BinomialExpZ(s, b, db)'` * :code:`func = 'AsymptoticFormulae.AsimovExpZ(s, b, db)'` :param func: function or string of code used to evaluate the sensitivity :type func: ``function``, ``str`` """ if isinstance(func, (str, unicode)): self._sensitivitymeasure = lambda s, b, db: eval(func) elif func.__code__.co_argcount != 3: logger.error( "Sensitivity measure must be a function with three arguments, " "the first and second representing number of signal and background " "events, respectively, and the last the total relative background " "uncertainty. E.g.: lambda s, b, db : s / b" ) raise TypeError else: self._sensitivitymeasure = func try: self._sensitivitymeasure(1, 1, 1) except NameError: logger.error( "Allowed parameters names for sensitivity measure are 's' (" "number of signal events), 'b' (number of background events) and 'db' (" "total relative background uncertainty)" ) raise NameError
[docs] def GetSensitivityMeasure(self): r"""Return the function used to evaluate the sensitivity. :returntype: ``function`` """ return self._sensitivitymeasure
[docs] def SetName(self, name): r"""Set the name of object. :param name: name of the object :type name: ``str`` """ self._name = name
[docs] def GetName(self): r"""Return the name of the object. :returntype: ``str`` """ return self._name
[docs] def InheritsFrom(self, classname): # Dummy function (SensitivityScan does not inherit from any ROOT function) return False
[docs] def SetFlatBkgSys(self, value): r"""Define the value of the relative flat systematic uncertainty on the background. The value is interpreted as the uncertainty relative to the number of background events. :param value: value of the flat relative background systematic uncertainty (default: 0.3) :type value: ``float`` """ self._flatbkgsys = value
[docs] def GetFlatBkgSys(self): r"""Return the value of the relative flat systematic uncertainty on the background. """ return self._flatbkgsys
[docs] def SetIncludeUnderflow(self, boolean): r"""Set whether the underflow bin is included in the calculation. :param boolean: if set to ``True`` the underflow bin will be included :type boolean: ``bool`` """ self._includeunderflow = boolean
[docs] def GetIncludeUnderflow(self): r"""Return whether the underflow bin is included in the calculation. :returntype: ``bool`` """ return self._includeunderflow
[docs] def SetIncludeOverflow(self, boolean): """Set whether the overflow bin is included in the calculation. :param boolean: if set to ``True`` the overflow bin will be included :type boolean: ``bool`` """ self._includeoverflow = boolean
[docs] def GetIncludeOverflow(self): r"""Return whether the overflow bin is included in the calculation. :returntype: ``bool`` """ return self._includeoverflow
[docs] def SetYMin(self, value): r"""Set the minimal value of the y-axis. :param value: minimal value of the y-axis :type value: ``float`` """ self._ymin = value
[docs] def GetYMin(self): r"""Return the minimal value of the y-axis. :returntype: ``float`` """ return self._ymin
[docs] def SetYMax(self, value): r"""Set the maximal value of the y-axis. :param value: maximal value of the y-axis :type value: ``float`` """ self._ymax = value
[docs] def GetYMax(self): r"""Return the maximal value of the y-axis. :returntype: ``float`` """ return self._ymax
def GetSensitivities(self, bn): # Returns the sensitivities computed for each signal histogram for the specified # bin by taking the cumulative sum of bin contents of signal and background # events in the defined direction and using the defined sensitivity measure. start = bn if self._direction > 0 else (0 if self._includeunderflow else 1) end = ( bn if self._direction < 0 else (self._nbins + 1 if self._includeoverflow else self._nbins) ) sensitivities = [] for sighisto in self._sighistos: statbkgunc = ROOT.Double(0.0) totsig = sighisto.Integral(start, end) totbkg = self._bkghisto.IntegralAndError(start, end, statbkgunc) try: totrelbkgunc = ROOT.TMath.Sqrt( (statbkgunc / totbkg) ** 2 + self._flatbkgsys ** 2 ) except ZeroDivisionError: totrelbkgunc = 1 try: z = self._sensitivitymeasure(totsig, totbkg, totrelbkgunc) except ZeroDivisionError: logger.warning( "Cannot compute sensitivity for signal histogram '{}' in bin {}! " "Setting to zero...".format(sighisto.GetName(), bn) ) z = 0 sensitivities.append(z) return sensitivities def BuildHistos(self): # Compute the sensitivities for all signal histograms in the given scan # direction and using the given sensitivity measure. for bn in range(1, self._nbins + 1, 1): sensitivities = self.GetSensitivities(bn) for i in range(len(self._sighistos)): self._sensitivityhistos[i].SetBinContent(bn, sensitivities[i])
[docs] def SetDrawOption(self, option): r"""Define the draw option for all sensitivity histograms. :param option: draw option (see :class:`ROOT.THistPainter` `class reference <>`_) :type option: ``str`` """ for scan in self._sensitivityhistos: scan.SetDrawOption(option)
[docs] def GetDrawOption(self): r"""Return the draw option defined for all sensitivity histograms. :returntype: ``str`` """ return self._sensitivityhistos[0].GetDrawOption()
def BuildFrame(self, **kwargs): # Compute optimal x- and y-axis ranges. frame = {} for histo in self._sensitivityhistos: if not frame: frame = histo.BuildFrame(**kwargs) else: for key, func in [ ("xmin", min), ("ymin", min), ("xmax", max), ("ymax", max), ]: frame[key] = func(frame[key], histo.BuildFrame(**kwargs)[key]) if self._ymin is not None: frame["ymin"] = self._ymin if self._ymax is not None: frame["ymax"] = self._ymax return frame def Draw(self, option=None): # Draw all sensitivity histograms to the current TPad. self.SetDrawOption(option.upper().replace("SAME", "")) for scan in self._sensitivityhistos: scan.Draw(option + "SAME") self.DrawBenchmarkLines() def DrawBenchmarkLines(self): # Draw all benchmark lines to the current TPad. currentpad = ROOT.gPad if not currentpad: return xmin = currentpad.GetUxmin() xmax = currentpad.GetUxmax() ymin = currentpad.GetUymin() ymax = currentpad.GetUymax() self._benchmarklines = [] for bm in range(21): if bm < ymin: continue if bm > ymax: break self._benchmarklines.append( Line(xmin, bm, xmax, bm, linestyle=7, linecoloralpha=(ROOT.kBlack, 0.6)) ) for line in self._benchmarklines: line.Draw()
if __name__ == "__main__": from Plot import Plot filename = "../data/ds_data18.root" h_bkg = Histo1D("h_bkg", "Background", 20, 0.0, 400.0) h_sig1 = Histo1D("h_sig1", "Signal 1", 20, 0.0, 400.0) h_sig2 = Histo1D("h_sig2", "Signal 2", 20, 0.0, 400.0) h_bkg.Fill(filename, tree="DirectStau", varexp="MET", weight="100.0/MET") h_sig1.Fill(filename, tree="DirectStau", varexp="MET", cuts="tau1Pt>600") h_sig2.Fill(filename, tree="DirectStau", varexp="MET", cuts="tau1Pt>800") h_sig1_props = dict(template="signal", linecolor=ROOT.kRed) h_sig2_props = dict(template="signal", linecolor=ROOT.kBlue) scan = SensitivityScan([(h_sig1, h_sig1_props), (h_sig2, h_sig2_props)], h_bkg) p = Plot(npads=2) p.Register(h_bkg, template="background", fillcolor=ROOT.kGray) p.Register(h_sig1, **h_sig1_props) p.Register(h_sig2, **h_sig2_props) p.Register(scan, 1, logy=False, ytitle="Z_{N}-value") p.Print("test_sensitivityscan.pdf")