Source code for RatioPlot

#!/usr/bin/env python2.7

from __future__ import print_function

import ROOT

from uuid import uuid4

from Line import Line
from Arrow import Arrow
from Histo1D import Histo1D
from MethodProxy import *
from Helpers import DissectProperties, MergeDicts, IsInherited

def ExtendProperties(cls):
    # Add properties to configure the _baseline histogram of RatioPlots and add new
    # properties and methods manually since RatioPlot does not inherit from MethodProxy
    # directly.
    cls._properties += ["baseline{}".format(p) for p in Histo1D._properties]  # append!
    return cls

[docs]@ExtendProperties @PreloadProperties class RatioPlot(MethodProxy): r"""Class for comparing 1-dimensional histograms. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Inherits from :class:`.Histo1D` which inherits from :class:`ROOT.TH1D`, see | | official `documentation <>`_ | | as well! | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Compares histograms to a **baseline** by computing the ratio for each bin. The properties of the **baseline** (which is itself of type ``Histo1D``) of the :class:`.RatioPlot` object can be accessed by prepending the prefix 'baseline' in front of the property name. """ # Properties not meant to be changed via keyword arguments: _ignore_properties = ["name"]
[docs] def __init__(self, numerator, denominator=0, **kwargs): r"""Initialize a ratio plot for 1-dimensional histograms. Create an instance of :class:`.RatioPlot` with the specified (list of) **numerator** histogram(s) and **denominator** histogram. :param numerator: numerator histogram or list thereof :type name: ``Histo1D``, ``TH1D``, ``list`` :param denominator: denominator histogram which will act as the **baseline** :type name: ``Histo1D``, ``TH1D`` :param \**kwargs: :class:`.RatioPlot` properties """ MethodProxy.__init__(self) self._name = uuid4().hex[:8] self._drawarrows = False self._drawbenchmarklines = False if not isinstance(numerator, list): numerator = [numerator] kwargs.setdefault("template", "common") if denominator.InheritsFrom("TH1"): self._baseline = Histo1D( "{}_RatioPlotDenominator".format(denominator.GetName()), denominator ) self._numeratorhistos = [] for i, histo in enumerate(numerator, start=1): assert histo.InheritsFrom("TH1") numname = histo.GetName() numerator = Histo1D( "{}_RatioPlotNumerator{}".format(denominator.GetName(), i), histo ) numerator.Divide( histo, self._baseline, 1.0, 1.0, kwargs.get("divideoption", "pois") ) self._numeratorhistos.append(numerator) for bn in range(self._baseline.GetNbinsX() + 2): try: self._baseline.SetBinError( bn, self._baseline.GetBinError(bn) / self._baseline.GetBinContent(bn), ) except ZeroDivisionError: self._baseline.SetBinError(bn, 0.0) self._baseline.SetBinContent(bn, 1.0) elif ( denominator.InheritsFrom("TFitResult") or denominator == 0 or denominator.InheritsFrom("THStack") ): raise NotImplementedError else: raise TypeError self._ymin = None self._ymax = None self._numeratordrawoption = "" self.DeclareProperties(**kwargs)
def Draw(self, option=None): # Draw the baseline, its errorband, the numerator histograms and 'out-of-range' # arrows. The specified draw option will be used for all numerator histograms. self._baseline.Draw(self._baseline.GetDrawOption() + "SAME") # Histo1D.Draw if self._drawbenchmarklines: self.DrawBenchmarkLines() self.SetDrawOption(option.upper().replace("SAME", "")) for numerator in self._numeratorhistos: numerator.Draw(numerator.GetDrawOption() + "SAME") if self._drawarrows: self.DrawArrows() def DeclareProperty(self, property, args): # Properties starting with "baseline" will be applied to the denominator # histogram property = property.lower() if property.startswith("baseline"): self._baseline.DeclareProperty(property[8:], args) else: # for numerator in self._numeratorhistos: # numerator.DeclareProperty(property, args) super(RatioPlot, self).DeclareProperty(property, args) pass
[docs] def SetYMin(self, value): r"""Set the minimal value of the y-axis. :param value: minimal value of the y-axis :type value: ``float`` """ self._ymin = value
[docs] def GetYMin(self): r"""Return the minimal value of the y-axis. :returntype: ``float`` """ return self._ymin
[docs] def SetYMax(self, value): r"""Set the maximal value of the y-axis. :param value: maximal value of the y-axis :type value: ``float`` """ self._ymax = value
[docs] def GetYMax(self): r"""Return the maximal value of the y-axis. :returntype: ``float`` """ return self._ymax
[docs] def BuildFrame(self, **kwargs): # Compute optimal x- and y-axis ranges. frame = {} for histo in self._numeratorhistos: if not frame: frame = histo.BuildFrame(**kwargs) else: for key, func in [ ("xmin", min), ("ymin", min), ("xmax", max), ("ymax", max), ]: frame[key] = func(frame[key], histo.BuildFrame(**kwargs)[key]) if self._ymin is not None: frame["ymin"] = self._ymin if self._ymax is not None: frame["ymax"] = self._ymax return frame
def DrawArrows(self, **kwargs): # Draw the 'out-of-range' arrows for ratio value outside the given y-axis range. currentpad = ROOT.gPad if not currentpad: return ymax = currentpad.GetUymax() ymin = currentpad.GetUymin() self._arrows = [] for bn in range(1, self._baseline.GetNbinsX() + 1, 1): bnclist = [h.GetBinContent(bn) for h in self._numeratorhistos] if all([bnc == 0 for bnc in bnclist]): continue if max(bnclist) > ymax: self._arrows.append( Arrow( self._baseline.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(bn), ymax - (ymax - ymin) * 0.03, self._baseline.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(bn), ymax - (ymax - ymin) * 0.15, arrowsize=0.01, ) ) elif min(bnclist) < ymin: self._arrows.append( Arrow( self._baseline.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(bn), ymin + (ymax - ymin) * 0.03, self._baseline.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(bn), ymin + (ymax - ymin) * 0.17, arrowsize=0.01, ) ) for arrow in self._arrows: arrow.Draw() def DrawBenchmarkLines(self): # Draw benchmark lines. currentpad = ROOT.gPad if not currentpad: return xmin = currentpad.GetUxmin() xmax = currentpad.GetUxmax() ymin = currentpad.GetUymin() ymax = currentpad.GetUymax() self._benchmarklines = [] for bm in [i * 0.1 for i in range(-5, 41, 5)]: if bm < ymin or bm == 1: continue if bm > ymax: break self._benchmarklines.append( Line(xmin, bm, xmax, bm, linestyle=7, linecoloralpha=(ROOT.kBlack, 0.6)) ) for line in self._benchmarklines: line.Draw()
[docs] def SetName(self, name): r"""Set the name of object. :param name: name of the object :type name: ``str`` """ self._name = name
[docs] def GetName(self): r"""Return the name of the object. :returntype: ``str`` """ return self._name
[docs] def InheritsFrom(self, classname): # Dummy function (SensitivityScan does not inherit from any ROOT function) return False
[docs] def SetDrawOption(self, option): r"""Define the draw option for all numerator histograms. :param option: draw option (see :class:`ROOT.THistPainter` `class reference <>`_) :type option: ``str`` """ if option: self._numeratordrawoption = option for numerator in self._numeratorhistos: numerator.SetDrawOption(self._numeratordrawoption)
[docs] def GetDrawOption(self): r"""Return the draw option defined for all numerator histograms. :returntype: ``str`` """ return self._numeratordrawoption
[docs] def SetDrawArrows(self, boolean): r"""Define whether the arrows should be drawn. :param boolean: if set to ``True`` arrows will be drawn whenever the ratio is outside the given y-axis range :type boolean: ``bool`` """ self._drawarrows = boolean
[docs] def GetDrawArrows(self): r"""Return whether the arrows should be drawn. :returntype: ``bool`` """ return self._drawarrows
[docs] def SetDrawBenchmarkLines(self, boolean): r"""Define whether the benchmark lines should be drawn. :param boolean: if set to ``True`` the benchmark lines will be drawn :type boolean: ``bool`` """ self._drawbenchmarklines = boolean
[docs] def GetDrawBenchmarklines(self): r"""Return whether the benchmark lines should be drawn. :returntype: ``bool`` """ return self._drawbenchmarklines
if __name__ == "__main__": from Plot import Plot from IOManager import IOManager filename = "../data/ds_data18.root" RatioPlot.PrintAvailableProperties() h1 = Histo1D("test1", "test1", 20, 0.0, 400.0) h2 = Histo1D("test2", "test2", 20, 0.0, 400.0) h3 = Histo1D("test3", "test3", 20, 0.0, 400.0) h1.Fill(filename, tree="DirectStau", varexp="MET", cuts="tau1Pt>650") h2.Fill(filename, tree="DirectStau", varexp="MET", cuts="tau1Pt>620") h3.Fill(filename, tree="DirectStau", varexp="MET", cuts="tau1Pt>700") h1.DeclareProperty("template", "background") h2.DeclareProperties(template="data", markercolor="#a7126b", linecolor="#a7126b") h3.DeclareProperties(template="signal", linecolor="#17a242") rp = RatioPlot([h2, h3], h1) p1 = Plot(npads=2) p1.Register(h1, 0) p1.Register(h2, 0, xunits="GeV") p1.Register(h3, 0) p1.Register(rp, 1, logy=False, ymin=0.5, ymax=2.0, ytitle="Data / Bkg.") p1.Print("ratioplot_test.pdf")