Source code for Plot

#!/usr/bin/env python2.7

from __future__ import print_function

import ROOT

from uuid import uuid4
from collections import defaultdict

from Pad import Pad
from Text import Text
from Legend import Legend
from Canvas import Canvas
from MethodProxy import *
from Helpers import CheckPath, DissectProperties, MephistofyObject, MergeDicts

[docs]@PreloadProperties class Plot(MethodProxy): r"""Class for creating plots. Stores :class:`ROOT` objects like histograms and draws them in their specified :class:`.Pad` onto a :class:`.Canvas`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name=None, **kwargs): r"""Initialize a plot. Create an instance of :class:`.Plot` with the specified **name**. :param name: name of the plot (default: random 8-digits HEX hash value) :type name: ``str`` :param \**kwargs: :class:`.Plot` properties """ MethodProxy.__init__(self) if name is None: name = uuid4().hex[:8] self._name = name self._npads = 1 self._store = defaultdict(list) self._padproperties = defaultdict(dict) self._style = "Classic" self._label = "" self._state = "" self._cme = None self._lumi = None kwargs.setdefault("template", "ATLAS") self.DeclareProperties(**kwargs) for pad in range(self._npads): for prop, value in Pad.GetTemplate( "{};{}".format(self._npads, pad) ).items(): self._padproperties[pad].setdefault(prop, value)
[docs] def GetName(self): r"""Return the name of the plot object. :returntype: ``str`` """ return self._name
[docs] def SetNPads(self, npads): r"""Set the number of :class:`Pad` s associated to the plot. This will also determine the size and layout of the underlying :class:`Canvas`. :param npads: number of pads (default: 1) :type npads: ``int`` """ self._npads = npads
[docs] def GetNPads(self): r"""Return the number of :class:`Pad` s associated to the plot. :returntype: ``int`` """ return self._npads
def AssertPadIndex(self, idx): # Check if the given pad index is valid. assert isinstance(idx, int) if idx >= self._npads: raise IndexError( "Cannot register object to pad '{}': Plot was initialized with " "'npads={}' (default: 1)".format(idx, self._npads) )
[docs] @MephistofyObject() def Register(self, object, pad=0, **kwargs): r"""Register a :class:`ROOT` object to the plot. The associated :class:`.Pad` is defined by **pad**. Properties of the **object** and the associated :class:`.Pad` can be changed via keyword arguments. :param object: *drawable* :class:`ROOT` object to be registered to the plot, e.g. ``Histo1D``, ``TH1D``, ``Histo2D``, ``TH2D``, ``Stack``, ... :type object: ``ROOT.TObject`` :param pad: index of the target pad (default: 0) :type pad: ``int`` :param \**kwargs: **object**, :class:`.Pad` properties """ self.AssertPadIndex(pad) properties = DissectProperties(kwargs, [object, Pad]) objclsname = object.__class__.__name__ properties["Pad"].update( { key: properties[objclsname][key] for key in ["xmin", "xmax", "ymin", "ymax"] if key in properties[objclsname].keys() } ) logger.debug( "Registering {} object {} ('{}') to Plot '{}'...".format( objclsname, object, object.GetName() if not object.InheritsFrom("TText") else object.GetTitle(), self.GetName(), ) ) self._padproperties[pad].update(properties["Pad"]) try: for key, value in object.BuildFrame( **MergeDicts(self._padproperties[pad]) ).items(): if ( key.endswith("max") and self._padproperties[pad].get(key, value - 1) < value ) or ( key.endswith("min") and self._padproperties[pad].get(key, value + 1) > value ): self._padproperties[pad][key] = value if key.endswith("title"): tmpltval = self._padproperties[pad].get(key, None) if self._padproperties[pad].get(key, tmpltval) == tmpltval: self._padproperties[pad][key] = value except AttributeError: logger.debug( "Cannot infer frame value ranges from {} object '{}'".format( objclsname, object.GetName() ) ) self._store[pad].append((object, properties[objclsname])) self._padproperties[pad].update(properties["Pad"])
def SetStyle(self, style): # Define the global plotting style. self._style = style ROOT.gROOT.SetStyle(style) if style == "ATLAS": ROOT.gStyle.SetErrorX(0.5) def GetStyle(self): # Return the global plotting style. return self._style
[docs] @CheckPath(mode="w") def Print(self, path, **kwargs): r"""Print the plot to a file. Creates a :class:`.Canvas` and draws all registered objects into their associated :class:`Pad`. The canvas is saved as a PDF/PNG/... file with the absolute path defined by **path**. If a file with the same name already exists it will be overwritten (can be changed with the **overwrite** keyword argument). If **mkdir** is set to ``True`` (default: ``False``) directories in **path** with do not yet exist will be created automatically. The properties of the of the plot and canvas can be configured via their respective properties passed as keyword arguments. :param path: path of the output file (must end with '.pdf', '.png', ...) :type path: ``str`` :param \**kwargs: :class:`.Plot` and :class:`.Canvas` properties + additional properties (see below) Keyword Arguments: * **inject<N>** (``list``, ``tuple``, ``ROOT.TObject``) -- inject a (list of) *drawable* :class:`ROOT` object(s) to pad **<N>** (default: 0), object properties can be specified by passing instead a ``tuple`` of the format :code:`(obj, props)` where :code:`props` is a ``dict`` holding the object properties (default: \[\]) * **overwrite** (``bool``) -- overwrite an existing file located at **path** (default: ``True``) * **mkdir** (``bool``) -- create non-existing directories in **path** (default: ``False``) """ for idx, injections in { int(k[6:]) if len(k) > 6 else 0: kwargs.pop(k) for k in dict(kwargs.items()) if k.startswith("inject") }.items(): if not isinstance(injections, list): injections = [injections] self.Inject(idx, *injections) properties = DissectProperties(kwargs, [Plot, Canvas]) ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0) ROOT.gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat("4.2f") canvas = Canvas( "{}_Canvas".format(self._name), template=str(self._npads), **properties["Canvas"] ) legend = {} self.DeclareProperties(**properties["Plot"]) self.AddPlotDecorations() for i, store in self._store.items(): pad = Pad("{}_Pad-{}".format(canvas.GetName(), i), **self._padproperties[i]) pad.Draw() legend[i] = Legend( "{}_Legend".format(pad.GetName()), xshift=pad.GetLegendXShift(), yshift=pad.GetLegendYShift(), ) canvas.SetSelectedPad(pad) for obj, objprops in store: with UsingProperties(obj, **objprops): if any([obj.InheritsFrom(tcls) for tcls in ["TH1", "THStack"]]): legend[i].Register(obj) suffix = "SAME" if pad.GetDrawFrame() else "" obj.Draw(obj.GetDrawOption() + suffix) if pad.GetDrawFrame(): pad.RedrawAxis() if pad.GetDrawLegend(): legend[i].Draw("SAME") canvas.Print(path) if os.path.isfile(path):"Created plot: '{}'".format(path)) canvas.Delete()
[docs] def Inject(self, pad=0, *args): r"""Inject a (list of) *drawable* object(s) to the pad with index **pad**. Object properties can be specified by passing instead a ``tuple`` of the format :code:`(obj, props)` where :code:`props` is a ``dict`` holding the object properties. :param pad: index of the target pad (default: 0) :type pad: ``int`` :param \*args: *drawable* :class:`ROOT` object or ``tuple`` of the format :code:`(obj, props)` where :code:`props` is a ``dict`` holding the object properties :type \*args: ``tuple``, ``ROOT.TObject`` """ self.AssertPadIndex(pad) for arg in args: if isinstance(object, tuple): obj, props = object if not isinstance(props, dict): raise TypeError( "Injection failed: {} is not a valid format!".format(arg) ) self.Register(obj, pad, **props) else: self.Register(arg, pad)
[docs] def SetLabel(self, label): r"""Set the plot label. :param label: plot label (default: 'ATLAS') :type label: ``str`` """ self._label = label
[docs] def GetLabel(self): r"""Return the plot label. :returntype: ``str`` """ return self._label
[docs] def SetState(self, state): r"""Set the plot state. :param label: plot state (default: 'Work In Progress') :type label: ``str`` """ self._state = state
[docs] def GetState(self): r"""Return the plot state. :returntype: ``str`` """ return self._state
[docs] def SetCME(self, cme): r"""Set the value of the center-of-mass energy. :param label: center-of-mass energy in TeV :type label: ``int``, ``str`` """ self._cme = int(cme)
[docs] def GetCME(self): r"""Return the center-of-mass energy. :returntype: ``int`` """ return self._cme
[docs] def SetLuminosity(self, lumi): r"""Set the value of the integrated luminosity. :param label: integrated luminosity in :math:`\text{fb}^{-1}` :type label: ``float``, ``str`` """ self._lumi = float(lumi)
[docs] def GetLuminosity(self): r"""Return the integrated luminosity. :returntype: ``float`` """ return self._lumi
def GetPadHeight(self, pad=0): # Return the height of the pad with given index. self.AssertPadIndex(pad) x1, y1, x2, y2 = self._padproperties[pad]["padposition"] return y2 - y1 def GetPadWidth(self, pad=0): # Return the width of the pad with given index. self.AssertPadIndex(pad) x1, y1, x2, y2 = self._padproperties[pad]["padposition"] return x2 - x1 def AddPlotDecorations(self): # Register the plot label, state, CME and lumi to the main pad (0). # TODO: Maybe make the ref points a property? refx = ( self._padproperties[0]["padposition"][0] # x1 + self._padproperties[0]["leftmargin"] + 0.04 ) refy = ( self._padproperties[0]["padposition"][3] # y2 - self._padproperties[0]["topmargin"] - 0.09 ) label = None if self._label: label = Text(refx, refy, "{} ".format(self._label), textfont=73) self.Register(label) if not label.GetTitle() == "ATLAS ": label_xsize = label.GetXsize() label_ysize = label.GetYsize() else: label_xsize = 0.125 label_ysize = 0.037 if self._state: if label: state = Text(label.GetX() + label_xsize, label.GetY(), self._state) self.Register(state) else: self.Register(Text(refx, refy, self._state)) if self._cme: cmestr = "#sqrt{{s}} = {} TeV".format(self._cme) if self._lumi: cmestr += ", {} fb^{{-1}}".format(self._lumi) if label: cme = Text( label.GetX(), label.GetY() - 1.75 * label_ysize, cmestr, indicesize=1.5, ) self.Register(cme) else: self.Register(Text(refx, refy, cmestr)) elif self._lumi: logger.error( "Please specify a center-of-mass energy associated to the" "given luminosity of {} fb^-1!".format(self._lumi) )
if __name__ == "__main__": from Histo1D import Histo1D from IOManager import IOManager filename = "../data/ds_data18.root" logy = True h1 = ROOT.TH1D("test1", "TITLE_1", 20, 0.0, 400.0) h2 = ROOT.TH1D("test2", "TITLE_2", 20, 0.0, 400.0) h3 = ROOT.TH1D("test3", "TITLE_3", 20, 0.0, 400.0) IOManager.FillHistogram( h1, filename, tree="DirectStau", varexp="MET", cuts="tau1Pt>650" ) IOManager.FillHistogram( h2, filename, tree="DirectStau", varexp="MET", cuts="tau1Pt>750" ) IOManager.FillHistogram( h3, filename, tree="DirectStau", varexp="MET", cuts="tau1Pt>550" ) p1 = Plot(npads=1) p1.Register(h1, 0, template="signal", logy=logy, xunits="GeV") p1.Register(h2, 0, template="signal", logy=logy, xunits="GeV") p1.Register(h3, 0, template="signal", logy=logy, xunits="GeV") p1.Register(h1, 0, template="signal", logy=logy, xunits="GeV") p1.Register(h2, 0, template="signal", logy=logy, xunits="GeV") p1.Register(h3, 0, template="signal", logy=logy, xunits="GeV") p1.Print("plot_test1.pdf", luminosity=139) p2 = Plot(npads=2) p2.Register(h1, 0, template="background", logy=logy, xunits="GeV") p2.Register(h2, 1, template="signal", xunits="GeV") p2.Print("plot_test2.pdf", luminosity=139) p3 = Plot(npads=3) p3.Register(h1, 0, template="background", logy=logy, xunits="GeV") p3.Register(h2, 1, template="signal", logy=logy, xunits="GeV") p3.Register( h3, 2, template="data", logy=logy, xunits="GeV", ytitle="YTITLE", xtitle="XTITLE", ) p3.Print("plot_test3.pdf", luminosity=139)