Source code for Pad

#!/usr/bin/env python2.7

from __future__ import print_function

import ROOT

import re

from MethodProxy import *
from Helpers import DissectProperties

def ExtendMethods(cls):
    # Add dedicated methods (+ their associated properties) for each axis of the frame.
    # The axis name is added to the beginning of the property name, e.g. 'xlabelfont'
    # will configure the labelfont of the pad frame's x-axis only, while 'labelfont'
    # will do so for all axes (see setter method below).
    # (See:
    cls._frameproperties = []
    for prop in [
        for coord in "xyz":
            cls._frameproperties.append("{}{}".format(coord, prop.lower()))
                "Set{}{}".format(coord.upper(), prop),
                lambda cls, v, bound_coord=coord, bound_prop=prop: getattr(
                    cls, "Set{}".format(bound_prop)
                )(v, axes=bound_coord),
            coordprop = "{}{}".format(coord.upper(), prop)
            if coordprop.lower() in cls._properties:
    return cls

[docs]@ExtendMethods @PreloadProperties class Pad(MethodProxy, ROOT.TPad): # Properties not meant to be changed via keyword arguments: _ignore_properties = [ "attfillps", "attlineps", "attmarkerps", "atttextps", "bboxcenter", "bboxcenterx", "bboxcentery", "bboxx1", "bboxx2", "bboxy1", "bboxy2", "canvas", "canvassize", "frame", "maxpickdistance", "name", "ndivisions", "number", "pad", "phi", "theta", "vertical", "view", "viewer3d", "xfile", "xstat", "yfile", "ystat", ]
[docs] def __init__(self, name="undefined", *args, **kwargs): MethodProxy.__init__(self) self._frame = None self._drawframe = False self._xmin = self._ymin = 1e-2 self._xmax = self._ymax = 1.0 self._xunits, self._yunits = None, None self._ypadding = 0.25 # frame is 25% higher than max. bin content self._drawlegend = False self._legendxshift = 0.0 self._legendyshift = 0.0 self._labeloption = {} if len(args) > 0: self._xposlow, self._yposlow = args[0:2] self._xposup, self._yposup = args[2:4] ROOT.TPad.__init__(self, name, "", *args) else: self._xposlow, self._yposlow, self._xposup, self._yposup = ( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, ) ROOT.TPad.__init__(self) self.SetName(name) self.SetTitle(";;") properties = DissectProperties(kwargs, [{"Frame": self._frameproperties}, Pad]) self.Draw() self.DeclareProperty("padposition", properties["Pad"].pop("padposition")) self.DeclareProperties(**properties["Pad"]) self.Draw() if self._drawframe: self.DrawFrame(**properties["Frame"])
[docs] def SetPadPosition(self, xlow, ylow, xup, yup): self._xposlow, self._yposlow = xlow, ylow self._xposup, self._yposup = xup, yup self.SetPad(xlow, ylow, xup, yup)
[docs] def GetPadPosition(self): return (self._xposlow, self._yposlow, self._xposup, self._yposup)
[docs] def GetPadWidth(self): return self._xposup - self._xposlow
[docs] def GetPadHeight(self): return self._yposup - self._yposlow
[docs] def GetXMin(self): return self._xmin
[docs] def GetXMax(self): return self._xmax
[docs] def GetYMin(self): return self._ymin
[docs] def GetYMax(self): return self._ymax
[docs] def SetXMin(self, xmin): if self.GetLogx() and xmin <= 0: logger.error("Cannot set 'xmin' to {} on log-axis!".format(xmin)) raise ValueError self._xmin = xmin
[docs] def SetXMax(self, xmax): if self.GetLogx() and xmax <= 0: logger.error("Cannot set 'xmax' to {} on log-axis!".format(xmax)) raise ValueError self._xmax = xmax
[docs] def SetYMin(self, ymin): if self.GetLogy() and ymin <= 0: logger.error("Cannot set 'ymin' to {} on log-axis!".format(ymin)) raise ValueError self._ymin = ymin
[docs] def SetYMax(self, ymax): if self.GetLogy() and ymax <= 0: logger.error("Cannot set 'ymax' to {} on log-axis!".format(ymax)) raise ValueError self._ymax = ymax
[docs] def SetLogx(self, boolean): if boolean and self.GetXMin() * self.GetXMax() <= 0: logger.error( "Cannot set 'logx' to '{}' on axis with negative" " values!".format(boolean) ) raise ValueError super(Pad, self).SetLogx(boolean)
[docs] def SetLogy(self, boolean): if boolean and self.GetYMin() * self.GetYMax() <= 0: logger.error( "Cannot set 'logy' to '{}' on axis with negative" " values!".format(boolean) ) raise ValueError super(Pad, self).SetLogy(boolean)
[docs] def SetXTitle(self, xtitle): ytitle = self.GetTitle().split(";")[2] prev_xtitle = self.GetTitle().split(";")[1] xunits ="\[(.*?)\]$", prev_xtitle) if xunits: xtitle += " {}".format( self.SetTitle(";{};{}".format(xtitle, ytitle))
[docs] def GetXTitle(self): return self.GetTitle().split(";")[1]
[docs] def SetYTitle(self, ytitle): xtitle = self.GetTitle().split(";")[1] prev_ytitle = self.GetTitle().split(";")[2] yunits ="\[(.*?)\]$", prev_ytitle) if yunits: ytitle += " {}".format( self.SetTitle(";{};{}".format(xtitle, ytitle))
[docs] def GetYTitle(self): return self.GetTitle().split(";")[2]
[docs] def SetXUnits(self, xunits): assert isinstance(xunits, str) self._xunits = xunits xtitle = self.GetXTitle() if"\[(.*?)\]$", xtitle): re.sub("\[(.*?)\]$", "[{}]".format(self._xunits), xtitle) else: xtitle += " [{}]".format(self._xunits) self.SetXTitle(xtitle)
[docs] def GetXUnits(self): return self._xunits
[docs] def SetYUnits(self, yunits): assert isinstance(yunits, str) self._yunits = yunits ytitle = self.GetYTitle() if"\[(.*?)\]$", ytitle): re.sub("\[(.*?)\]$", "[{}]".format(self._yunits), ytitle) else: ytitle += " [{}]".format(self._yunits) self.SetYTitle(ytitle)
[docs] def GetYUnits(self): return self._yunits
[docs] def SetFrame(self, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax): self._xmin = xmin self._ymin = ymin self._xmax = xmax self._ymax = ymax
[docs] def GetFrame(self): return (self._xmin, self._ymin, self._xmax, self._ymax)
[docs] def SetDrawFrame(self, boolean): self._drawframe = boolean
[docs] def GetDrawFrame(self): return self._drawframe
[docs] def DrawFrame(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) == 4: for i, prop in enumerate(["xmin", "ymin", "xmax", "ymax"]): self.DeclareProperty(prop, args[i]) elif len(args) != 0: logger.error( "DrawFrame() takes exactly 0 or 4 arguments" " ({} given)".format(len(args)) ) raise TypeError assert self._xmin < self._xmax assert self._ymin < self._ymax self._frame = super(Pad, self).DrawFrame( self._xmin, self._ymin, self._xmax, self._ymax, self.GetTitle() ) self.DeclareProperties(**kwargs)
[docs] def SetLabelColor(self, color, axes="xyz"): for coord in axes: axis = { "x": self._frame.GetXaxis(), "y": self._frame.GetYaxis(), "z": self._frame.GetZaxis(), }.get(coord.lower(), None) axis.SetLabelColor(color)
[docs] def SetLabelFont(self, font, axes="xyz"): for coord in axes: axis = { "x": self._frame.GetXaxis(), "y": self._frame.GetYaxis(), "z": self._frame.GetZaxis(), }.get(coord.lower(), None) axis.SetLabelFont(font)
[docs] def SetLabelSize(self, size, axes="xyz"): for coord in axes: axis = { "x": self._frame.GetXaxis(), "y": self._frame.GetYaxis(), "z": self._frame.GetZaxis(), }.get(coord.lower(), None) axis.SetLabelSize(size)
[docs] def SetLabelOffset(self, offset, axes="xyz"): canvaswidth = self.GetCanvas().GetWw() * self.GetCanvas().GetAbsWNDC() for coord in axes: axis = { "x": self._frame.GetXaxis(), "y": self._frame.GetYaxis(), "z": self._frame.GetZaxis(), }.get(coord.lower(), None) scale = 700.0 / canvaswidth axis.SetLabelOffset(offset * scale)
[docs] def SetTitleColor(self, color, axes="xyz"): for coord in axes: axis = { "x": self._frame.GetXaxis(), "y": self._frame.GetYaxis(), "z": self._frame.GetZaxis(), }.get(coord.lower(), None) axis.SetTitleColor(color)
[docs] def SetTitleFont(self, font, axes="xyz"): for coord in axes: axis = { "x": self._frame.GetXaxis(), "y": self._frame.GetYaxis(), "z": self._frame.GetZaxis(), }.get(coord.lower(), None) axis.SetTitleFont(font)
[docs] def SetTitleSize(self, size, axes="xyz"): for coord in axes: axis = { "x": self._frame.GetXaxis(), "y": self._frame.GetYaxis(), "z": self._frame.GetZaxis(), }.get(coord.lower(), None) axis.SetTitleSize(size)
[docs] def SetTitleOffset(self, offset, axes="xyz"): for coord in axes: axis = { "x": self._frame.GetXaxis(), "y": self._frame.GetYaxis(), "z": self._frame.GetZaxis(), }.get(coord.lower(), None) canvasheight = self.GetCanvas().GetWh() * self.GetCanvas().GetAbsHNDC() canvaswidth = self.GetCanvas().GetWw() * self.GetCanvas().GetAbsWNDC() padheight = self.GetWh() * self.GetAbsHNDC() padwidth = self.GetWw() * self.GetAbsWNDC() scale = { "x": (canvasheight / canvaswidth) * (padwidth / padheight), "y": (canvasheight / canvaswidth), }.get(coord.lower(), 1.0) axis.SetTitleOffset(offset * scale)
[docs] def SetNdivisions(self, ndiv, optim=True, axes="xyz"): for coord in axes: axis = { "x": self._frame.GetXaxis(), "y": self._frame.GetYaxis(), "z": self._frame.GetZaxis(), }.get(coord.lower(), None) axis.SetNdivisions(ndiv, optim)
[docs] def SetTopMargin(self, margin): canvasheight = self.GetCanvas().GetWh() * self.GetCanvas().GetAbsHNDC() canvaswidth = self.GetCanvas().GetWw() * self.GetCanvas().GetAbsWNDC() padheight = self.GetWh() * self.GetAbsHNDC() scale = canvaswidth / canvasheight scale *= canvasheight / padheight scale *= 700.0 / canvaswidth super(Pad, self).SetTopMargin(margin * scale)
[docs] def SetBottomMargin(self, margin): canvasheight = self.GetCanvas().GetWh() * self.GetCanvas().GetAbsHNDC() canvaswidth = self.GetCanvas().GetWw() * self.GetCanvas().GetAbsWNDC() padheight = self.GetWh() * self.GetAbsHNDC() scale = canvaswidth / canvasheight scale *= canvasheight / padheight scale *= 700.0 / canvaswidth super(Pad, self).SetBottomMargin(margin * scale)
[docs] def SetLeftMargin(self, margin): canvaswidth = self.GetCanvas().GetWw() * self.GetCanvas().GetAbsWNDC() scale = 700.0 / canvaswidth super(Pad, self).SetLeftMargin(margin * scale)
[docs] def SetRightMargin(self, margin): canvaswidth = self.GetCanvas().GetWw() * self.GetCanvas().GetAbsWNDC() scale = 700.0 / canvaswidth super(Pad, self).SetRightMargin(margin * scale)
[docs] def SetDrawLegend(self, boolean): self._drawlegend = boolean
[docs] def SetLegendXShift(self, value): self._legendxshift = value
[docs] def GetLegendXShift(self): return self._legendxshift
[docs] def SetLegendYShift(self, value): self._legendyshift = value
[docs] def GetLegendYShift(self): return self._legendyshift
[docs] def GetDrawLegend(self): return self._drawlegend
[docs] def SetYPadding(self, value): self._ypadding = value
[docs] def GetYPadding(self): return self._ypadding
[docs] def SetBinLabels(self, listoflabels, axes="x"): for coord in axes: axis = { "x": self._frame.GetXaxis(), "y": self._frame.GetYaxis(), "z": self._frame.GetZaxis(), }.get(coord.lower(), None) for i, label in enumerate(listoflabels): axis.SetBinLabel( (i * axis.GetNbins() / len(listoflabels)) + 1, str(label) ) self._frame.LabelsOption(self._labeloption.get(coord, "h"))
[docs] def SetLabelOption(self, option, axes="xyz"): for coord in axes: self._labeloption[coord] = option try: self._frame.LabelsOption(option) except: pass