Source code for Legend

#!/usr/bin/env python2.7

from __future__ import print_function

import ROOT

import math

from uuid import uuid4

from Text import Text
from MethodProxy import *
from Helpers import DissectProperties, MergeDicts, MephistofyObject, cache

[docs]@PreloadProperties class Legend(MethodProxy, ROOT.TLegend): # Properties not meant to be changed via keyword arguments: _ignore_properties = [ "bboxcenter", "bboxcenterx", "bboxcentery", "bboxx1", "bboxx2", "bboxy1", "bboxy2", "defaults", "name", ]
[docs] def __init__(self, name=None, *args, **kwargs): MethodProxy.__init__(self) if name is None: name = uuid4().hex[:8] ROOT.TLegend.__init__(self, *args) if len(args) >= 4: kwargs["x1"], kwargs["y1"], kwargs["x2"], kwargs["y2"] = args[0:4] self.SetName(name) self._store = [] self._autoncolumns = False self._xshift = 0 self._yshift = 0 self._maxwidht = 0.5 self._entrysorting = None kwargs.setdefault("template", "common") self.DeclareProperties(**kwargs)
[docs] def SetAutoNColumns(self, boolean): self._autoncolumns = boolean
[docs] def GetAutoNColumns(self): return self._autoncolumns
[docs] @MephistofyObject(copy=True) def Register(self, obj, **kwargs): if obj.InheritsFrom("THStack"): if obj.GetNhists() > 0: for histo in obj.GetHists(): self.Register(histo) if obj.__class__.__name__ == "Stack": for histo in obj._store["nostack"]: self.Register(histo) else: obj.DeclareProperties(**kwargs) try: if obj.GetAddToLegend(): self._store.append(obj) except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def Draw(self, option="", **kwargs): self.BuildFrame() for histo in self._store: self.AddEntry(histo, " " + histo.GetTitle(), histo.GetLegendDrawOption()) # Scaling (keep Legend frame independent of pad/canvas aspect ratio) cpad = ROOT.gPad # current pad canvasheight = cpad.GetCanvas().GetWh() * cpad.GetCanvas().GetAbsHNDC() canvaswidth = cpad.GetCanvas().GetWw() * cpad.GetCanvas().GetAbsWNDC() padheight = cpad.GetWh() * cpad.GetAbsHNDC() xscale = 700.0 / canvaswidth yscale = canvaswidth / canvasheight yscale *= canvasheight / padheight yscale *= 700.0 / canvaswidth height = self.GetY2() - self.GetY1() self.SetX1(self.GetX2() - ((self.GetX2() - self.GetX1()) * xscale)) self.SetY1(self.GetY2() - ((self.GetY2() - self.GetY1()) * yscale)) super(Legend, self).Draw(option + "SAME")
[docs] def GetNRows(self): return ( len(self._store) / self.GetNColumns() + len(self._store) % self.GetNColumns() )
[docs] def SetMaxWidth(self, value): self._maxwidth = value
[docs] def GetMaxWidth(self): return self._maxwidth
[docs] def AddEntrySortingProperty(self, property, reverse=False): if self._entrysorting is None: self._entrysorting = [] self._entrysorting.append((property, reverse))
[docs] def SetEntrySorting(self, *listoftuples): for property, reverse in listoftuples: self.AddEntrySortingProperty(property, reverse)
[docs] def GetEntrySorting(self): return self._entrysorting
[docs] def SortEntries(self): from Histo1D import Histo1D if self._entrysorting is not None: for prop, reverse in reversed(self._entrysorting): if prop in [m.lower() for m in Histo1D._properties]: self._store.sort(key=lambda h: h.GetProperty(prop), reverse=reverse) else: try: self._store.sort( key=lambda h: getattr(h, prop.capitalize())(), reverse=reverse, ) except AttributeError: logger.error( "Sorting failed: 'Histo1D' has no attribute '{}'!".format( prop.capitalize() ) ) raise AttributeError
[docs] def BuildFrame(self, **kwargs): self.SortEntries() if len(self._store) > 4 and self._autoncolumns: self.SetNColumns(2) # TODO: Add top-left, bottom-left and bottom-right alignement. maxtitlewidth = 0.0 maxtitleheight = 0.0 lastcolmaxtitlewidth = 0.0 for i, histo in enumerate(self._store): title = Text(0.5, 0.5, histo.GetTitle(), textsize=self.GetTextSize()) maxtitlewidth = max(maxtitlewidth, title.GetXsize()) maxtitleheight = max(maxtitleheight, title.GetYsize()) if self.GetNColumns() > 1 and i % self.GetNColumns() == 1: lastcolmaxtitlewidth = max(lastcolmaxtitlewidth, title.GetXsize()) x2 = 0.925 + self._xshift x1 = ( max( x2 - self._maxwidth, x2 - max( self.GetNColumns() * (1.5 * (self.GetTextSize() / 700.0) + maxtitlewidth), self.GetMargin() / 1.6, ), ) + self._xshift ) y2 = 0.94 + self._yshift y1 = y2 - (1.2 * self.GetNRows() * maxtitleheight) + self._yshift self.DeclareProperties(x1=x1, y1=y1, x2=x2, y2=y2)
[docs] def SetXShift(self, shift): self._xshift = shift
[docs] def GetXShift(self): return self._xshift
[docs] def SetYShift(self, shift): self._yshift = shift
[docs] def GetYShift(self): return self._yshift
if __name__ == "__main__": import random from Plot import Plot from Histo1D import Histo1D word_file = "/usr/share/dict/words" WORDS = open(word_file).read().splitlines() filename = "../data/ds_data18.root" # l = Legend("test") nentries = 8 h = {} p = Plot() for i in range(1, nentries + 1, 1): h[i] = Histo1D("test_{}".format(i), "title", 20, 0.0, 400.0) h[i].Fill( filename, tree="DirectStau", varexp="MET", cuts="tau1Pt>4{}0".format(i) ) props = dict( template="signal", linecolor=i, title=random.choice(WORDS).capitalize()[:8] ) # l.Register(h[i], **props) p.Register(h[i], **props) # l.SetFillColorAlpha(ROOT.TColor.GetColor("#f5a2ff"), 0.3) # p.Register(l) p.Print("test_legend.pdf")