Source code for IOManager

#!/usr/bin/env python2.7

import os
import re
import uuid

import ROOT

from logger import logger
from Helpers import CheckPath, timeit, cache

import root_numpy as rnp

import numpy as np
from array import array

ROOT.PyConfig.IgnoreCommandLineOptions = True
ROOT.gErrorIgnoreLevel = 2000

[docs]class IOManager(object): r"""Static class providing easy-to-use methods for common :py:mod:`ROOT` I/O operations. Can be used to read from and write to :py:mod:`ROOT` files. Multiple histograms from one tree can be filled simultaneously using the :class:`.Factory` subclass. """
[docs] @staticmethod @CheckPath(mode="w") def CreateTestSample(path, **kwargs): r"""Creates a :py:mod:`ROOT` file with toy data to be used for tests. The output file contains one tree with **nevents** number of entries represented by `nbranches` branches. Random numbers for each branch are drawn according to a chisquare distribution with a mean indicated by the branch index. The name of the output tree is given by **tree** and the branches are of the form 'branch_1', 'branch_2', ... Numbers are generated using the :class:`numpy.random` module and the output file is filled using the :func:`root_numpy.array2root` method. If a file with the same name already exists it will be overwritten (can be changed with the **overwrite** keyword argument). If **mkdir** is set to ``True`` (default: ``False``) directories in **path** with do not yet exist will be created automatically. :param path: path of output :py:mod:`ROOT` file :type path: ``str`` :param \**kwargs: see below :Keyword Arguments: * **nevents** (``int``) -- number of events in the output tree (default: 10000) * **nbranches** (``int``) -- number of branches (default: 10) * **tree** (``int``) -- name of the output tree (default: 'tree') * **overwrite** (``bool``) -- overwrite an existing file located at **path** (default: ``True``) * **mkdir** (``bool``) -- create non-existing directories in **path** (default: ``False``) """ basedir = os.path.abspath(path) if not basedir: logger.error("Directory '{}' does not exist!".format(basedir)) raise IOError("Path not found!") nevents = int(kwargs.get("nevents", 1e4)) nbranches = int(kwargs.get("nbranches", 10)) treename = kwargs.get("tree", "tree") array = np.core.records.fromarrays( np.transpose( np.random.chisquare( range(1, nbranches + 1, 1), size=(nevents, nbranches) ) ), names=",".join(["branch_{}".format(i + 1) for i in range(nbranches)]), ) rnp.array2root(array, path, treename=treename, mode="recreate") if os.path.isfile(path):"Created '{}'.".format(path))
[docs] @staticmethod def FillHistogram(histo, infile, **kwargs): r"""Fill a given histograms with events from a tree. The given histogram will be filled with values for the **varexp** for all events assing the **cuts** and weighted by **weight**. Via the **append** option one can decide whether the given histogram should be overwritten or if the new entries should be appended to its existing content. Basis for the input is the specified **tree** of the **infile**. The histogram is filled using :py:mod:`ROOT`'s ``TTree::Project`` method. :param histo: histogram object to be filled :type histo: ``ROOT.TH1D``, ``ROOT.TH2D`` :param infile: path to the input :py:mod:`ROOT` file :type infile: ``str`` :param \**kwargs: see below :Keyword Arguments: * **tree** (``str``) -- name of the input tree * **varexp** (``str``) -- name of the branch to be plotted (format: 'x' or 'x:y') * **cuts** (``str``, ``list``, ``tuple``) -- string or list of strings of boolean expressions, the latter will default to a logical *AND* of all items (default: '1') * **weight** (``str``) -- number or name of the branch which will be applied as a weight (default: '1') * **append** (``bool``) -- append entries to the specified **histo** instead of overwriting it (default: ``False``) """ append = kwargs.pop("append", False) kwargs.update(IOManager._getBinning(histo)) varexp = kwargs.get("varexp") histoname = histo.GetName() histotitle = histo.GetTitle() histoclass = histo.ClassName() if not ":" in varexp: assert histoclass.startswith("TH1") elif len(varexp.split(":")) == 2: assert histoclass.startswith("TH2") else: raise NotImplementedError htmp = IOManager.GetHistogram(infile, **kwargs) if append: histo.Add(htmp) else: htmp.Copy(histo) del htmp histo.SetName(histoname) histo.SetTitle(histotitle)
@staticmethod def _convertBinning(unformatted_binning, **kwargs): # Converts a binning dict or tuple/list into a "friendly" dict or list: # New binning will be a list of bin low-edges. csv_format = kwargs.get("csv", False) if unformatted_binning is None: return None elif isinstance(unformatted_binning, dict): formatted_binning_dict = {} for label, binning in unformatted_binning.items(): formatted_binning_dict[label] = IOManager._convertBinning( binning, **kwargs ) return formatted_binning_dict elif isinstance(unformatted_binning, tuple): nbins, minval, maxval = unformatted_binning assert isinstance(nbins, int) minval = float(minval) maxval = float(maxval) step = (maxval - minval) / nbins formatted_binning = [minval + (i * step) for i in range(nbins + 1)] elif isinstance(unformatted_binning, list): formatted_binning = sorted(unformatted_binning) else: raise TypeError if csv_format: return ",".join([str(b) for b in formatted_binning]) return formatted_binning @staticmethod def _getBinning(histo): # Get binning (list of bin low-edges) of a histogram for all coordinates. binning = {} for coord in ["x", "y", "z"]: axis = getattr(histo, "Get{}axis".format(coord.capitalize()))() binning[coord + "binning"] = [ float(axis.GetBinLowEdge(i)) for i in range(1, axis.GetNbins() + 2, 1) ] return binning
[docs] @staticmethod @timeit def GetHistogram(infile, **kwargs): r"""Create a histograms filled with events from a tree. The created histogram will be filled with values for the **varexp** for all events passing the **cuts** and weighted by **weight**. Basis for the input is the specified **tree** of the **infile**. The name and title of the histogram can be set via **name** and **title**, respectively. The histogram is filled using :py:mod:`ROOT`'s :func:`TTree.Project` method. :param infile: path to the input :py:mod:`ROOT` file :type infile: str :param \**kwargs: see below :Keyword Arguments: * **name** (``str``) -- name of the returned histogram * **title** (``str``) -- title of the returned histogram * **tree** (``str``) -- name of the input tree * **varexp** (``str``) -- name of the branch to be plotted (format: 'x' or 'x:y') * **cuts** (``str``, ``list``, ``tuple``) -- string or list of strings of boolean expressions, the latter will default to a logical *AND* of all items (default: '1') * **weight** (``str``) -- number or branch name to be applied as a weight (default: '1') :returntype: ``ROOT.TH1D``, ``ROOT.TH2D`` """ cuts = kwargs.get("cuts", []) if isinstance(cuts, (list, tuple)): if cuts: kwargs["cuts"] = ( "&&".join(["({})".format(cut) for cut in cuts]) if cuts else "1" ) elif not isinstance(cuts, str): raise TypeError for key in ["xbinning", "ybinning", "zbinning"]: binning = kwargs.get(key) if binning is None: continue kwargs[key] = IOManager._convertBinning(binning, csv=True) return IOManager._getHistogram(infile, **kwargs)
@staticmethod @CheckPath(mode="r") @cache() def _getHistogram(infile, **kwargs): # Returns a TH1D with the given parameters and fills it via TTree::Project. # Uses binning in CSV format for faster caching. name = kwargs.get("name", uuid.uuid1().hex[:8]) title = kwargs.get("title", "") xbinning = array("d", [float(x) for x in kwargs.get("xbinning").split(",")]) treename = kwargs.get("tree") varexp = kwargs.get("varexp") weight = kwargs.get("weight", "1") cuts = kwargs.get("cuts", "1") if not ":" in varexp: htmp = ROOT.TH1D(name, title, len(xbinning) - 1, xbinning) elif len(varexp.split(":")) == 2: ybinning = array("d", [float(y) for y in kwargs.get("ybinning").split(",")]) htmp = ROOT.TH2D( name, title, len(xbinning) - 1, xbinning, len(ybinning) - 1, ybinning ) else: raise NotImplementedError htmp.Sumw2() tfile = ROOT.TFile.Open(infile, "read") ttree = tfile.Get(treename) if not isinstance(ttree, ROOT.TTree): logger.error("Specified tree='{}' not found!".format(treename)) nevts = ttree.Project(name, varexp, "({})*({})".format(weight, cuts), "goff") htmp.SetDirectory(0) tfile.Close() if nevts < 0: logger.error( "Failed to project varexp='{}', cuts={}, weight='{}' onto " "histogram '{}'. Tree '{}' contains the following branches:\n{}".format( varexp, cuts, weight, name, treename, "'" + "', '".join(IOManager._getListOfBranches(ttree)) + "'", ) ) tfile.Close() raise TypeError("Variable compilation failed!") htmp.SetEntries(nevts) return htmp @staticmethod def _getListOfBranches(tree): # Returns the names of all branches of a given TTree. branches = [] for branch in tree.GetListOfBranches(): branches.append(branch.GetName()) return branches
[docs] class Factory(object): r"""Subclass for filling multiple histograms from one tree in just one go. Create an instance of :class:`.Factory` for some tree in a given :py:mod:`ROOT` file and register histograms with the desired options to it. All registered histograms will then be filled simultaneously by only looping once over the tree, resulting in a significant time saving compared to calling :func:`~IOManager.IOManager.FillHistogram` multiple times. """
[docs] @CheckPath(mode="r") def __init__(self, path, tree): r"""Initialize the :class:`.Factory` for a given **tree** in a :py:mod:`ROOT` file located at **path**. :param infile: path to the input :py:mod:`ROOT` file :type infile: ``str`` :param tree: name of the input tree :type infile: ``str`` """ self._filepath = path self._treename = tree self._store = [] infile = ROOT.TFile.Open(path) intree = infile.Get(self._treename) if not intree: raise KeyError( "File '{}' has no tree called '{}'".format( self._filepath, self._treename ) ) self._entries = intree.GetEntries() infile.Close()
[docs] def Register(self, histo, **kwargs): r"""Register a histograms to the factory. The registered histogram will be filled with values for the **varexp** for all events passing the **cuts** and weighted by **weight** upon calling :func:`~IOManager.IOManager.Factory.Run`. :param histo: histogram object to be filled :type histo: ``ROOT.TH1D``, ``ROOT.TH2D`` :param \**kwargs: see below :Keyword Arguments: * **varexp** (``str``) -- name of the branch to be plotted (format: 'x' or 'x:y') * **cuts** (``str``, ``list``, ``tuple``) -- string or list of strings of boolean expressions, the latter will default to a logical *AND* of all items (default: '1') * **weight** (``str``) -- number or branch name to be applied as a weight (default: '1') """ varexp = kwargs.pop("varexp") cuts = kwargs.pop("cuts", []) weight = kwargs.pop("weight", "1") append = kwargs.pop("append", False) # Save metadata to Histo1D/2D: if histo.__class__.__name__ in ["Histo1D", "Histo1D"]: histo._varexp = varexp histo._cuts = cuts histo._weight = weight if isinstance(cuts, (list, tuple)): cutstring = ( "&&".join(["({})".format(cut) for cut in cuts]) if cuts else "1" ) elif isinstance(cuts, str): cutstring = cuts else: raise TypeError options = { "varexp": varexp, "weight": weight, "cuts": cutstring, "append": append, } histoname = histo.GetName() histotitle = histo.GetTitle() histoclass = histo.ClassName() if not ":" in varexp: assert histoclass.startswith("TH1") elif len(varexp.split(":")) == 2: assert histoclass.startswith("TH2") else: raise NotImplementedError self._store.append((histo, options))
[docs] @timeit def Run(self, batchsize=int(1e5)): r"""Fill all registered histograms. The histograms are filled using the :func:`root_numpy.root2array` method. :param batchsize: number of events to processed at once (default: 100000) :type batchsize: ``int`` """ branchexprs = set() for histo, options in self._store: branchexprs.update(options["varexp"].split(":")) branchexprs.add("({})*({})".format(options["weight"], options["cuts"])) if not options["append"]: histo.Reset() for start in range(0, self._entries, batchsize): array = rnp.root2array( self._filepath, self._treename, branches=branchexprs, start=start, stop=start + batchsize, ) for histo, options in self._store: if not ":" in options["varexp"]: varexp = array[options["varexp"]] else: varexp = rnp.rec2array(array[options["varexp"].split(":")]) cuts = array["({})*({})".format(options["weight"], options["cuts"])] mask = np.where(cuts != 0) rnp.fill_hist(histo, varexp[mask], weights=cuts[mask]) zeroentriesoptions = [] for histo, options in self._store: options = {k:v for k, v in options.items() if not k in ["varexp", "append"]} if histo.GetEntries() == 0 and options not in zeroentriesoptions: logger.warning( "No events have been extracted for tree '{}' in file '{}'" "using cuts='{}' and weight='{}'!".format( self._treename, self._filepath, options["cuts"], options["weight"], ) ) zeroentriesoptions.append(options) "Filled {} histograms using tree '{}' in file '{}'.".format( len(self._store), self._treename, self._filepath ) )
def main(): if not os.path.exists("../data"): os.mkdir("../data") testfile = "../data/test.root" IOManager.CreateTestSample(testfile) histo = ROOT.TH1D("histo_branch_1", "", 200, 0.0, 10.0) histo.Sumw2() IOManager.FillHistogram( histo, testfile, tree="tree", varexp="branch_5", cuts=["branch_1>0.1", "branch_2>0.25"], ) canvas = ROOT.TCanvas() histo.Draw("HIST") canvas.SaveAs("test.pdf") h = {} f = IOManager.Factory(testfile, "tree") for i in range(1, 11, 1): h[i] = ROOT.TH1D("h{}".format(i), "", 200, 0.0, 20.0) f.Register(h[i], varexp="branch_{}".format(i)) f.Run() if __name__ == "__main__": main()