Source code for Graph

#!/usr/bin/env python2.7

from __future__ import print_function

import ROOT

import re

from uuid import uuid4
from array import array
from collections import defaultdict

from Pad import Pad
from Plot import Plot
from MethodProxy import *
from Canvas import Canvas
from Helpers import DissectProperties, MergeDicts, CheckPath

[docs]@PreloadProperties class Graph(MethodProxy, ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors): r"""Class for displaying arrays of 2-dimensional coordinates. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Inherits from :class:`ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors`, see official | | `documentation <>`_ | | as well! | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ In order to avoid memory leaks, **name** is an inaccessible property despite having corresponding getter and setter methods. Furthermore the properties **xtitle**, **ytitle** and **ztitle** are defined to be exclusive to the :class:`.Pad` class. """ # Properties not meant to be changed via keyword arguments: _ignore_properties = [ "histogram", "maximum", "minimum", "name", "nametitle", "point", "pointerror", "pointexhigh", "pointexlow", "pointeyhigh,", "pointeylow", "xtitle", "ytitle", "ztitle", ]
[docs] def __init__(self, name="Graph_{}".format(uuid4().hex[:8]), *args, **kwargs): r"""Initialize a graph. Create an instance of :class:`.Graph` with the specified **name** from two arrays of equal length. :param name: name of the graph :type name: ``str`` :param \*args: see below :param \**kwargs: :class:`.Graph` properties :Arguments: The first and optional argument is **title** of the graph given by a ``str``. Depending on the total number of arguments (besides **name** and the optional **title**) there are two ways to initialize a :class:`.Graph` object\: * *one* argument\: #. **graph** (``Graph``, ``TGraph``, ``TGraphAsymmErrors``) -- graph to be copied * *two* arguments\: #. **xvalues** (``list``) -- list of x-values which can be either of type ``float`` or ``tuple``/``list``; in the latter case depending on the length of the ``tuple``/``list`` the entries are interpreted as\: #. nominal x-value #. nominal x-value, (sym.) uncertainty #. nominal x-value, up-, down-uncertainty #. **yvalues** (``list``) -- list of y-values which can be either of type ``float`` or ``tuple``/``list`` (see above) """ MethodProxy.__init__(self) self._name = name self._title = "" if isinstance(args[0], (str, unicode)): self._title = args[0] args = args[1:] self._drawoption = "" if len(args) == 1 and args[0].InheritsFrom("TGraph"): if args[0].InheritsFrom("TGraphAsymmErrors"): ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors.__init__(self, args[0]) elif isinstance(args[0], ROOT.TGraph): x, y = array("d", []), array("d", []) for i in range(args[0].GetN()): x_i = ROOT.Double(0.0) y_i = ROOT.Double(0.0) args[0].GetPoint(i, x_i, y_i) x.append(x_i) y.append(y_i) ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors.__init__(self, args[0].GetN(), x, y) else: raise NotImplementedError elif len(args) == 2: if not all([isinstance(a, list) for a in args]): raise TypeError if not len(args[0]) == len(args[1]): logger.error( "Number of x-values ({}) does not match number of " "y-values ({})!".format(len(args[0]), len(args[1])) ) raise TypeError val = dict(x={}, y={}) for idx, coord in enumerate(["x", "y"]): for var in ["nominal", "errorup", "errordown"]: val[coord][var] = array("d", []) for tpl in args[idx]: if isinstance(tpl, (list, tuple)): if len(tpl) == 1: val[coord]["nominal"].append(tpl[0]) val[coord]["errorup"].append(0.0) val[coord]["errordown"].append(0.0) elif len(tpl) == 2: # errorup = errordown val[coord]["nominal"].append(tpl[0]) val[coord]["errorup"].append(tpl[1]) val[coord]["errordown"].append(tpl[1]) elif len(tpl) == 3: val[coord]["nominal"].append(tpl[0]) val[coord]["errorup"].append(tpl[1]) val[coord]["errordown"].append(tpl[2]) else: raise TypeError elif isinstance(tpl, (int, float)): val[coord]["nominal"].append(tpl) val[coord]["errorup"].append(0.0) val[coord]["errordown"].append(0.0) else: raise TypeError ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors.__init__( self, len(args[0]), val["x"]["nominal"], val["y"]["nominal"], val["x"]["errordown"], val["x"]["errorup"], val["y"]["errordown"], val["y"]["errorup"], ) for key, value in self.GetTemplate( kwargs.get("template", "common") ).items(): kwargs.setdefault(key, value) else: raise TypeError self.SetName(self._name) self.SetTitle(self._title) self.DeclareProperties(**kwargs)
[docs] @CheckPath(mode="w") def Print(self, path, **kwargs): r"""Print the graph to a file. Creates a PDF/PNG/... file with the absolute path defined by **path**. If a file with the same name already exists it will be overwritten (can be changed with the **overwrite** keyword argument). If **mkdir** is set to ``True`` (default: ``False``) directories in **path** with do not yet exist will be created automatically. The styling of the graph, pad and canvas can be configured via their respective properties passed as keyword arguments. :param path: path of the output file (must end with '.pdf', '.png', ...) :type path: ``str`` :param \**kwargs: :class:`.Graph`, :class:`.Plot`, :class:`.Canvas` and :class:`.Pad` properties + additional properties (see below) Keyword Arguments: * **inject** (``list``, ``tuple``, ``ROOT.TObject``) -- inject a (list of) *drawable* :class:`ROOT` object(s) to the main pad, object properties can be specified by passing instead a ``tuple`` of the format :code:`(obj, props)` where :code:`props` is a ``dict`` holding the object properties (default: \[\]) * **overwrite** (``bool``) -- overwrite an existing file located at **path** (default: ``True``) * **mkdir** (``bool``) -- create non-existing directories in **path** (default: ``False``) """ injections = {"inject0": kwargs.pop("inject", [])} properties = DissectProperties(kwargs, [Graph, Plot, Canvas, Pad]) properties["Pad"].setdefault("logy", False) plot = Plot(npads=1) plot.Register(self, **MergeDicts(properties["Graph"], properties["Pad"])) plot.Print( path, **MergeDicts(properties["Plot"], properties["Canvas"], injections) )
[docs] def SetDrawOption(self, option): r"""Define the draw option for the graph. :param option: draw option (see :class:`ROOT.TGraphPainter` `class reference <>`_) :type option: ``str`` """ self._drawoption = option super(Graph, self).SetDrawOption(option)
[docs] def GetDrawOption(self): r"""Return the draw option defined for the graph. :returntype: ``str`` """ return self._drawoption
def Draw(self, option=None): # Draw the graph to the current TPad together with it's errorband. # TODO: Maybe find a way to avoid the creation of the _tmpgraph object :-/ # Unfortunately there's no DrawCopy method for TGraphs and DrawClone doesn't # work propertly either... if option is not None: self.SetDrawOption(option) option = self.GetDrawOption().upper().replace("SAME", "") self._tmpgraph = Graph("{}_{}".format(self.GetName(), uuid4().hex[:8]), self) search ="(?P<ERROPT>[2-5])", option) if search is not None: erropt ="ERROPT") super(Graph, self._tmpgraph).Draw("{}".format(erropt)) for rmv in ["A", "F", erropt]: option = option.replace(rmv, "") super(Graph, self._tmpgraph).Draw(option + "X") else: super(Graph, self._tmpgraph).Draw(option)
[docs] def GetPoint(self, index, *args): r"""Return the x- and y-value for a given index if no other arguments are given. Otherwise the standard :func:`ROOT.TGraph.GetPoint` functionality is used. :param index: index of the coordinate point :type index: ``int`` :param \*args: see :py:mod:`ROOT` documentation of :func:`ROOT.TGraph.GetPoint` :returntype: ``tuple`` for call with no additional arguments, else ``None`` """ if len(args) == 0 and isinstance(index, int): x = ROOT.Double(0.0) y = ROOT.Double(0.0) super(Graph, self).GetPoint(index, x, y) return x, y elif len(args) == 2: super(Graph, self).GetPoint(*args) else: raise TypeError
def BuildFrame(self, **kwargs): # Return the optimal axis ranges for the graph. Gets called by Plot when the # graph is registered to it. # Note: Only works if drawoption does not contain "A". scale = 1.0 + kwargs.get("ypadding", 0.25) # Pad property logx = kwargs.get("logx", False) logy = kwargs.get("logy", False) frame = {"xmin": None, "xmax": 0, "ymin": 0, "ymax": 0} for i in range(self.GetN()): x, y = self.GetPoint(i) frame["xmin"] = min(x, frame["xmin"]) if frame["xmin"] is not None else x frame["xmax"] = max(x, frame["xmax"]) frame["ymin"] = min(y, frame["ymin"]) frame["ymax"] = max(y, frame["ymax"]) if logx and frame["xmin"] <= 0: frame["xmin"] = kwargs.get("xmin", 1e-2) if logy and frame["ymin"] <= 0: frame["ymin"] = kwargs.get("ymin", 1e-2) frame["ymax"] = 10 ** ( scale * ROOT.TMath.Log10(frame["ymax"] / frame["ymin"]) + ROOT.TMath.Log10(frame["ymin"]) ) else: frame["ymax"] *= scale frame["xtitle"] = kwargs.get("xtitle", None) frame["ytitle"] = kwargs.get("ytitle", None) return frame
def main(): g = Graph( "test", "title", [1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [(3.0, 0.5, 0.8), (2.5, 0.4, 0.5), (1.0, 0.1, 0.1)], ) g.Print("test_graph.pdf", linecolor=ROOT.kBlue) if __name__ == "__main__": main()