Source code for ContributionPlot

#!/usr/bin/env python2.7

from __future__ import print_function

import ROOT

from Stack import Stack

[docs]class ContributionPlot(Stack): r"""Class for a normalized stack of 1-dimensional. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Inherits from :class:`.Stack` which inherits from :class:`ROOT.THStack`, see | | official `documentation <>`_ | | as well! | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Has the same features as :class:`.Stack` but only draws all stacked histograms normalized with respect to their sum (**stacksum**). """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""Initialize a stack of 1-dimensional histograms. Create an instance of :class:`.ContributionPlot` from a given ``Stack`` or list of histograms (**\*args**). :param \*args: see below :param \**kwargs: :class:`.ContributionPlot` properties :Arguments: Depending on the number of arguments there are two ways to initialize a :class:`.ContributionPlot` object\: * *one* argument of type ``Stack`` or ``THStack``\: #. **stack** (``Stack``, ``THStack``) -- copy all stacked histograms from the **stack** * *multiple* arguments of type ``Histo1D`` or ``TH1D``\: #. **\*args** (``Stack``, ``THStack``) -- register a list of histograms to a new stack """ self._loadTemplates() kwargs.setdefault("template", "common") name = "{}_ContributionPlotStack".format(args[0].GetName()) super(ContributionPlot, self).__init__(name) if len(args) == 1 and args[0].InheritsFrom("THStack"): for histo in args[0].GetHists(): self.Register(histo, stack=True) else: for histo in args: assert histo.InheritsFrom("TH1") self.Register(histo, stack=True) self.SortStack() # before normalization! for bn in range(1, self._stacksumhisto.GetNbinsX() + 1, 1): for histo in self._store["stack"]: try: histo.SetBinContent( bn, histo.GetBinContent(bn) / self._stacksumhisto.GetBinContent(bn), ) except ZeroDivisionError: histo.SetBinContent(bn, 0) self._stacksumhisto.SetBinContent(bn, 1.0) self.DeclareProperties(**kwargs) self.BuildStack(sort=False)
if __name__ == "__main__": from Plot import Plot from Histo1D import Histo1D from IOManager import IOManager filename = "../data/ds_data18.root" h1 = Histo1D("h1", "h1", 20, 0.0, 400.0) h2 = Histo1D("h2", "h2", 20, 0.0, 400.0) h3 = Histo1D("h3", "h3", 20, 0.0, 400.0) h1.Fill(filename, tree="DirectStau", varexp="MET", cuts="tau1Pt>600") h2.Fill(filename, tree="DirectStau", varexp="MET", cuts="tau1Pt>725") h3.Fill(filename, tree="DirectStau", varexp="MET", cuts="tau1Pt>850") s = Stack() s.Register(h1, stack=True, template="background", fillcolor=ROOT.kBlue) s.Register(h2, stack=True, template="background", fillcolor=ROOT.kGreen) s.Register(h3, stack=True, template="background", fillcolor=ROOT.kRed) c = ContributionPlot(s) # p1 = Plot(npads=1) # p1.Register(c, 0, logy=False, ymax=1) # p1.Print("contributionplot_test.pdf") c.Print("contributionplot_test.pdf", logy=False, ymax=1)